- “Red Hot Tea” has been juried into an exhibition of three-dimensional artworks.
This fiber art decorative teapot will appear along with 44 other pieces in all media at the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery in Topeka, Kansas. See my Schedule page for the venue information.
Previous News:
Bubble Wrap Cabin will be exhibited in Craft Alliance’s celebratory exhibition. “Craft Futures: Celebrating 60 years of Craft” will be on view in St Louis, Missouri. See my Schedule page for the venue information.
Are you a fiber artist? Considering making an artwork or two or three for a project to celebrate our Nation’s 250th birthday! The Virginia Quilt Museum is heading a project called “Stitching Together History.” More information is here. The accepted entries will be displayed at the Museum and a catalog is also planned.
In addition to an exhibition at Artisans United in Annandale, Virginia, three of my dimensional fiber art pieces will be exhibited in “Earth First” in Floyd, Virginia. Furl, Oceans 2.0, and What’s the Good News have been accepted to this multi-media exhibition at the Floyd Center for the Arts. See my Schedule page for the venue information.
Niggle’s Leaf will be in an exhibition at the Virginia Quilt Museum. My quilt was inspired by the short story “Leaf by Niggle” by J.R.R. Tolkien. No elves or hobbits, just regular people reacting to life and challenges in a very affecting way. Some years ago I was interviewed for Quilters Save Our Stories (QSOS) and talked about this quilt and what it means to me. The Virginia Quilt Museum is including it in an exhibition of quilts from QSOS. See my Schedule page for the venue information.
Take a look at a project which will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the United States. The Virginia Quilt Museum aims to create an exhibition featuring 250 quilts, and more.“Stitching Together History” invites everyone to create 20x20" quilts related to a person, place, event, area, idea, or thing from Virginia history. The museum has several related webinars and events planned. See the call for entries and more information on the Museum’s website.
My 2023 exhibitions are over, and I am happy to have taken part in such successful shows. You can always see a selection of my fiber art at the Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery. The Gallery is part of the Torpedo Factory in wonderful Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, directly on the Potomac River waterfront.
One of my fiber art suncatchers is in a new book, “Stitched Journeys with Birds: Inspiration to Let Your Creativity Take Flight.” There are over 500 full color photographs, plus information and inspiration by the artists. All kinds of birds in all kinds of fiber media! The curator is Martha Sielman, who is also the esteemed executive director of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA). The book is available through Fiber Art Now, independent booksellers, or if you must - on Amazon.
Two of my wall quilts will be at the U.S. embassy in Riga, Latvia, as part of the Art in Embassies program.Gulf Coast Lighthouses and Summer on the Sirannon were selected, and are expected to be on view there for about three years. I am honored to be part of this prestigious State Department program.
My wall hanging “E Pluribus Unum” was accepted to the Creative Crafts Council’s 34th Biennial Exhibition at Strathmore Mansion. I am pleased that it has sold! It was inspired by the concept of Unity. See the quilt here.
My fiber art jewelry is available at three locations during the holidays, in Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota. Two of my thread sculptures are available through the online curated “Art of Giving” exhibition. See my Schedule page for the venue information.
I’m pleased to announce that Broken Beech has been purchased by the Washington DC Art Bank.
“Inspired by The National Capital Area” and my quilt honoring the Old Patent Office are finally public! Over 100 quilts about iconic places in our nation’s capital are collected in a book, and the show will soon travel the country. See this page for images and more information.
My fiber-art jewelry will be available for purchase at the 51st Annual Labor Day Art Show in Glen Echo, Maryland. This lovely regional show includes both fine arts and crafts, and supports historic Glen Echo Park. See my Schedule page for a link to the venue information.
“Backyard Escape” has finished traveling, but selected quilts are still available online for purchase. Proceeds will go to the Schar Cancer Institute Arts and Healing Fund. View the available quilts here. Each quilt is 18 x 24 inches.
I am at work creating jewelry inspired by Ukrainian symbols, in support of their fight against tyranny. You may contact me if you would like to see what is currently available. If you are local to metro DC, some pieces are for sale at the Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery. I will donate 50% of the retail price to the Ukrainian refugee programs. Many are suitable for women or men to wear.
for Ukraine
My solo show has opened, at the McLean Textile Gallery.The show includes many dimensional pieces, wall art, mixed media, and jewelry. Most feature my thread sculpture technique. Some pieces make their debut here. I am pleased to be able to show so many fiber art pieces in one location. See my Schedule page for venue information, and visit the Gallery’s website for open hours.
I have opened an online store at Artizan Made! This is the “Shop” link at the top of my web page navigation. Artizan Made is a collection of crafters selling their handmade work. I will feature my jewelry on my store page, in addition to some art quilts and thread sculptures. Please take a look!
“JRA Day” fine craft show will have both online and in-person shows in 2021.The online version of JRA Day, JRACraft’s annual craft show, is through November 28. I am represented along with 38 other artists, in all kinds of media. There are close to 1,000 pieces of art for sale. Consider something special for yourself, or for holiday shopping! Best of all, this organization directly supports the Renwick Gallery, part of the Smithsonian, in adding to its collection of American craft. What better use of a commission on a sale! My page is here: https://www.jra.org/store/c20/EileenDoughty See my my Schedule page for venue information.
My wall art piece, Phishing, has been accepted into “Art Optimism”, Athenaeum Gallery, Alexandria, Virginia. In this exhibition, DC, Virginia, and Maryland artists explore hopeful concepts related to climate change. See my my Schedule page for venue information.
Planning and making for holiday shows are already underway! Shows are in Maryland, Virginia, and Illinois - and online. See my my Schedule page for where you may see my artwork and fiber art jewelry for sale.
Two of my fiber art pieces using light in an unusual way have been juried into “Shine: Catching the Light”. This multi-media exhibition will take place June 11 - August 29, 2021, at Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, Solomons, Maryland. The juror is Erika Wright, Education Specialist with the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.
My fiber art teapot, “Deep Sea Tea,” has been juried into the Creative Crafts Council biennial exhibition. This exhibition shows the best of craft in the Washingon, DC area. See my Schedule page, and images of this glow-in-the-dark decorative teapot.
My quilt, “Dancing in Spite / of Tears / Gas”, part of the “We Are the Story” exhibition, will be on view beginning March 26. This large exhibition on social justice is under the curatorial direction of Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi. See my my Schedule page.
The new McLean Textile Gallery is exhibiting my art quilts for the month of February. Cindy Grisdela’s work is also on display. This is the jurors exhibition. We chose artists and groups that will exhibit there through 2021. See mySchedule page.
“Three Billion” is a multi-media invitational show, to be held at the Hudgens Center for the Arts near Atlanta, Georgia. “Three Billion” is reference to the recent news and research that has shown the loss of 3 billion birds in North America over the last 50 years. See the two art quilts I created for this exhibition. A link to the exhibition is on my Schedule page.
I am pleased to join the Board of the Virginia Quilt Museum in January 2021.
The James Renwick Alliance and Waterford shows will have shopping from the convenience of your home, and shipping options. See the list on my Schedule for dates and links, and about other upcoming exhibitions of my work.
The Virginia Quilt Museum has reopened! The “No Fabric: No Rules” end date has been extended. The exhibition will close on September 5. I have one artwork in this fabulous show. Information on all the current VQM shows is here.
*The metro DC area’s favorite exhibition is back! Artomatic will be a virtual show this year.
I’ll have a variety of fiber art featured on my artist page. The show will run July 20 - August 20. See Artomatic for the artist list.
There will also be workshops and performances.
My artwork is, was, or supposed to be at several venues. Of course, due to the ongoing National Health Emergency, most places have closed for the duration. I hope everything, and everyone, is better soon… staying creative meanwhile.
“No Fabric: No Rules” is on exhibit at the Virginia Quilt Museum. I was invited to participate in this show by the curator, Trudi Van Dyke. All the artwork is made of non-traditional materials, as indicated by the title. My “quilt” is inspired by the traditional pinwheel block. It is made of bubble wrap and six colors of masking tape. Hanging it in a window gives the best effect. I’m claiming it is a solar-powered quilt!

Packaged Pinwheels
*The “Inspired by Endangered Species” book is now available. I’m pleased to have two quilts among the 182 total created for the project. My “Purple-Faced Langur” can be seen on this [page] (http://inspiredbyendangeredspecies.blogspot.com/p/iesquilts.html). “Longleaf Pine” pictures coming soon. The quilts will premier at Houston International Quilt Festival this autumn! I’m pleased that my two quilts will be in the group of 100 selected by that venue.
- Several pieces of my fiber art jewelry were juried into “A Stitch to Wear”, in Cumberland, Maryland, December 7-28. Three necklaces incorporate Angelina fibers, for holiday glitz, and there are also two cuffs that have a butterfly camouflaged on tree bark - all thread-drawn. See my Schedule for more information.

Angelina fiber necklaces

Stitched threads cuffs
Saturday, December 7, is the 12th annual JRA Day, in Chevy Chase, Maryland. See and purchase high quality work by myself and artists in a variety of media. The group supports the Renwick Gallery. See my Schedule for more information.
Saturday, November 2, is the 30th Anniversary Fiber Art Show & Sale, in Rockville, Maryland. See my Schedule for more information.
My fiber art jewelry has been accepted to the 49th Annual Glen Echo Art Show, for the three-day Labor Day holiday weekend. This is a wonderful and affordable show of regional artwork in many media. See my Schedule for more information.
July, 2019: My Montauk Lighthouse wall quilt has returned from a three-year stay at the US Embassy in Riga, Latvia. See my Montauk web page.
Fall, 2019: The Inspired by Endangered Species quilts will premier at Houston International Quilt Festival this autumn! I’m pleased that my two quilts will be in the 100 quilts selected by that venue, out of the 182 total in the project. My “Purple-Faced Langur” can be seen on this [page] (http://inspiredbyendangeredspecies.blogspot.com/p/iesquilts.html). All the quilts will be at other venues, and will appear in a book to be published later this year, no other sneak peaks till then.
June, 2019: Sixty of the “Inspired by Endangered Species” quilts, including my Longleaf Pine, will be at a special exhibit at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC, on June 24, 2019.
May, 2019: Two acceptances! I will have a thread-sculpture teapot in the Creative Crafts Council’s Biennial Exhibition, and an art quilt in Sacred Threads. See the list on my Schedule for dates and links, and about other upcoming exhibitions of my work.
I have five pieces (both 2D and 3D) in a terrific show with the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild at [Artists & Makers] (https://artistsandmakersstudios.com/), Rockville, Maryland
Read my article about my work and inspirations at “Hand/Eye”. There are also images of my thread sculptures. Check out what else this great online resource has to offer.
“Marbled Tea” and “Elm Tree Tea” have been selected for the [Shenandoah Valley Art Center’s] (http://www.svacart.com/) Annual Contemporary Juried Exhibition. December 1, 2018 - January 19, 2019
I’ve finally added more artwork to some of my website’s galleries. See “Phishing”, “Pele’s Feathers”, “Gold Leaf Tea”, “CiCiCicadaaaaah”, and [“Pine Tree Tea”] (/projects/pine-tree-tea).
I’ll be selling my fiber art and jewelry at two more shows this fall, in the Metro DC area: The 48th Annual Labor Day Art Show at Glen Echo Park, and the 11th annual JRA (James Renwick Alliance) Day. See the list on my Schedule for dates and links, and about other upcoming exhibitions of my work.
Hot Tea 2018 multi-media international invitational is “live”, including my new quilted teapot, [“Universalitea”] (/projects/universalitea).
More venues for Inspired by the National Parks and Fly Me to the Moon have been added. See the list on my Schedule for dates, and about other upcoming exhibitions of my work.
This is not what I want to happen. As I update this website with my installation work on school shootings in the U.S., another terrible one happens. See “17 on 14 from 15”.
My political commentary art quilt, “Nincompoopery”, has been accepted into the Workhouse Arts Center’s 2018 Fiber National Juried Exhibition. Fiber National showcases the best in contemporary fiber art from around the United States. The second biennial of the exhibition will highlight exciting, innovative artwork utilizing both traditional and non-traditional techniques. The juror was Rebecca Stevens. Exhibition dates are June 1 – July 29, 2018.
Welcome to my new and improved website! Many, many thanks to my wonderful webmaster for making it happen. If you see anything especially nice, or something that looks like it should be fixed, please do let me know.
Two of my art quilts are in Red, the catalog for the show of the same name, by Textile Study Group of New York (TSGNY). It’s available through Amazon. Packed with images, an affordable price!
Check out my online shop, particularly for my fiber-art jewelry and thread sculptures at ARTIZAN, made by hand
See the list on my Schedule for information about current and upcoming exhibitions of my work.
Watch a fun little video showing how I made “Phishy,” a small thread sculpture.