“Three Billion” is a multi-media invitational show, to be held at the Hudgens Center for the Arts near Atlanta, Georgia. “Three Billion” is reference to the recent news and research that has shown the loss of 3 billion birds in North America over the last 50 years. Nine billion birds used to fill our skies. How could we not notice they are disappearing?
These are the two art quilts I created for this exhibition. The second quilt is intended for the children’s area of the gallery.
“Fast Forward”
World-wide increases in green house gases, temperature, pollution, pesticide usage, deforestation, human population, outdoor cat predation… It is no mystery why three billion birds have disappeared. We are the cause – and it is effecting us too. We are tipping at the point of no return.

Fast Forward
The birds are subtle on the front until you look closely. The background is quilted like a graph; various ribbons and stitches indicate the decrease in birds caused by increase in environmental problems. The back is shown below to help you find the birds. A large bird is flying across - its wing positions change. Only a few birds remain on the right.

Fast Forward, back
- 26" H x 86" W
- Cotton fabrics
- Machine quilted

“Which Side Are You On?”
Every living creature needs a habitat - food, water, shelter. What kind of habitat for birds is your neighborhood? The best-kept lawn may actually be a kind of green desert, where grass is the only living thing - as shown on the left side. Add some flowering plants, seed feeders and a birdbath, keep house cats in the house, and the birds will come - on the right side. Add native plants, year-round food sources, reliable water, places to hide, and the birds will thrive - the center area. How many bird-friendly things are in this quilt? How many birds can you spot?

Which Side Are You On?
- 26" H x 40" W
- Cotton fabrics, ribbon, metallic cord, ink
- Machine raw-edge appliqued and quilted